Forms > Customising forms > Task 2: Set up form properties
Click the Format () button. The Format window appears.In the Form tab, type the number of forms you want to print per page. Specify the number of forms you want to print per page.
Specify the width and length of the form (not the paper) in the Form Size fields. For example, if you are printing four cheques per A4 page, enter the width and length of a single cheque, not the width and length of the A4 page.
make the grid visible in the layout, select Show Grid. Note that the grid will not be printed.
Click Browse. The Open window appears.
Select the Display settings for the image.
Top will position the image on the form.
Center will center the image on the form.
Tile will repeat the image in a grid-like pattern across and down the entire form.
Stretch will enlarge the image to fill the entire form. (Depending on its size and shape, this setting can distort the image.)

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