Forms > Adding and editing elements > Adding and editing data and label elements
The Layout list only appears for cheque forms.
Editing elements using the Format window
To add a data field to a form
Click the Fields button. The Add Fields window appears. This window lists all the data fields available for the form you’ve selected.
Click Add. The selected data fields appear on the form. Their position depends on a number of factors, such as the number of records they can display, previous cursor position and other fields already on the form. You can move a field to a better position.
The Field Properties window has two tabs: the Layout tab where you specify the text, format, background colour, location and size of the field, and the Borders tab where you specify the layout, colour and width of the field’s borders.
To add a text label to a form
Click the add text button () and then click the form where you want to place the text field. A new text label named Text Field appears.
Double-click the new label. The Field Properties window displays the Layout tab where you specify the name, location and size, text format and background colour of the label, and the Borders tab where you specify the layout, colour and width of the label’s borders.
Click OK to close the Field Properties window. The new label appears in the Customise window.
To change the name of a text label
Double-click the text label. The Field Properties window appears.
Change the name in the Text field on the Layout tab.
To change the font style of a data field or text label
Click Text Format on the Layout tab. The Text Format window appears.
Make selections in the Font, Font Style, Size, Justify and Effects fields in this window.
Click Font Colour. The Font Colour window appears.
Select the new colour and click OK. The Text Format window reappears.

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