Reporting VAT > EC sales
This does not mean that the VAT on the transaction is ignored; it is accounted for in the VAT Return and EC Sales reports. EC customers also account for the VAT that would have been paid in adherence to the EC rules and legislation applicable in their state.
To create a VAT code for EC sales
Go to the Lists menu and choose VAT Codes. A list of VAT codes appears.
Click New. The VAT Code Information window appears.
In the VAT Code field, type a code for the EC VAT sales (for example, ECS) and press Tab.
In the Description field, type a VAT code description such as
EC Sales VAT Code.
In the VAT Type field, select VAT - EC Sales. The VAT Rate and EC Reported Rate fields are set to zero per cent.
To set up customer cards for EC sales
In the Card File command centre, click Cards List. The Cards List window appears.
Locate an EC customer’s cards and click Edit. The Card Information window appears.
note : Service sales
Click the Selling Details tab.
Type the customer’s EC VAT registration number in the VAT ID Number field. This number appears on the EC Sales report.
In the VAT Code field, select your EC Sales VAT code.
Select the Use Customer’s VAT Code option.
Repeat from step 2 for other EC customers.
Reporting carriage cost for sales to EC customers
If you need to include carriage costs for sales to EC customers in the EC Sales report, you need to add the carriage cost as a line item on the invoice. Do not enter them in the Carriage field. Entries in the Carriage field do not appear on the EC Sales report.

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