Financial control > Budgets > Entering budget amounts
You can use the Prepare Budgets window to enter budget amounts for each month of the current or next financial year. If you want to quickly enter budget amounts for a group of months, you can use the Budget Shortcuts window.
By default, the amount you enter will be assumed to be a positive amount. You can enter negative budget amounts by using a minus sign before the amount (for example, -250). When you enter a negative amount, you are indicating that the balance of the account is going to decrease.
To enter the budget for an account
Go to the Accounts command centre and click Accounts List. The Accounts List window appears.
Click Budgets. The Prepare Budgets window appears.
From the Financial Year list, choose whether you want to enter a budget for this financial year or the next one.
From the Account Type list, choose the type of account you want to enter a budget for—Profit and Loss or Balance Sheet.
As you enter data, the FY Total column will display the total budget for each account.
The Account Name and FY Total columns display the list of accounts and their current budget totals for the financial year.
Click Shortcuts to open the Budget Shortcuts window from where you can quickly enter budget amounts for the highlighted account.
Click Copy Amount to Following Months to copy the selected amount to the months that follow.
Click Copy Previous Year’s Actual Data to insert the previous year’s account balances for the selected account and month.
Click Close to close the Prepare Budgets window.

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