Stock > Building items
Building items is the process of taking two or more items, known as components, to make up another item, known as a finished item.
You do this by transferring the stock quantities of the components to that of the finished item. For example, you could transfer the stock quantities of timber and fabric (component items) to furniture (the finished items).
To build items manually
Go to the Stock Control command centre and click Build items. The Build Items window appears.
The value in the Out of Balance field must be zero before you can record the transaction. That is, in the Amount column the amount for the finished item must be equal to the sum of the amounts for the components.
[AccountEdgePlus only] If you store an item at multiple locations, select the location where the item is held. Note that this field only appears if you use more than one location in your company file. (See, Multiple stock locations.)
Click Record to save the stock transfer.

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