Purchases > Receiving items without a supplier invoice > Recording items received without a supplier invoice
To record items received against an order
You can record items received against an existing order in the Purchases window or from the Purchases Register window.
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Purchases Register. The Purchases Register window appears.
Click the Orders tab.
Click Receive Items. The Purchases window appears with the Receive Item status.
In the Receive field, type the item quantity received.
[AccountEdge Plus only] If you keep items at multiple locations, type the location where you received the items in the Location field, or select it from the list. Note that the Location field only appears if you have set up multiple locations.
Click Record. The items are recorded in your stock and the original order is updated with the number of items received.
This message indicates that the total of items in the Receive column and the To Date column of an item receipt is greater than the quantity in the Ordered column.
Update order: If you choose to update the order, your original order will be updated by the difference between the quantity of the original order and the total received (the quantities in the Receive column plus the quantity in the To Date column).
New order: If you choose to create a new order, a new order will be created. The quantity of items listed in the new order will equal the difference between the amount of the original order and the total received (the quantities in the Receive column plus the quantity in the To Date column).
Cancel: If you choose to cancel, you will return to the Receive Item window without updating or creating any orders.
To create an order when you record items received
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Enter Purchases. The Purchases window appears.
You can also record items received by clicking Receive Items from the Stock Control command centre. The Purchases window appears with the Receive Item purchase status.
In the Supplier field, type the supplier’s name, or select it from the list.
Click Layout. The Select Layout window appears.
Select Item and then click OK.
Select Receive Item from the status list in the top-left corner of the window.
In the Ordered field, type the quantity you ordered. This can be more the quantity received.
In the Receive field, type the quantity received.
In the Item Number field, type the number of the item received, or select it from your items list.
[AccountEdge Plus only] If you keep items at multiple locations, type the location where you received the items in the Location field, or select it from the list. Note that the Location field only appears if you have set up multiple locations.
In the Price field, enter the estimated price for the items.
Click Record. The items are recorded in your stock and a purchase order is created with the number of items received.

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