Purchases > Entering purchases > Task 3: Enter the items or services you are purchasing
The scrolling list in the middle of the Purchases window is where you enter details of what you are buying. In this area, you enter item numbers, descriptions, account numbers (or account names, depending on your selection in the Preferences window) and other information about your transaction.
One row in the scrolling list is one line item of the transaction. You can enter as many line items for a purchase as you want. The fields that appear in the scrolling list differ according to the type of purchase you are creating.
Pressing tab here displays the item list from which you can choose the item being purchased.
The total price is calculated automatically. If you change the price, the Disc% field is updated to show the discount applicable.
The following illustration shows the fields for a purchase with a Service layout and a Purchase status. These fields also appear in the Professional and Miscellaneous layouts.
The account to assign to the purchase. Pressing tab here displays the accounts list from which you can choose an account.
This should be an expense or cost of sales account. You should not select your creditors account for ordinary purchases.

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