Purchases > Changing the status of a purchase
To convert a quote to an order or a purchase
You can convert a quote to an order or a purchase from the Purchases window or from the Purchases Register window.
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Purchases Register. The Purchases Register window appears.
Click the Quote tab.
an order, click Change to Order. The Purchases window appears.
a purchase, click Change to Purch. The Purchases window appears.
Click Record. The purchase or order is recorded.
The original quote will remain in the Purchases Register window unless you have indicated in your preferences that you want quotes to be deleted once they are recorded as orders or purchases.
To convert an order to a purchase
You can convert an order to a purchase in the Purchases window or from the Purchases Register window. If you want to convert several orders to purchases simultaneously, see To simultaneously convert several orders to purchases.
Go to the Purchases command centre and click Purchases Register. The Purchases Register window appears.
Click the Orders tab.
Click Change to Purch. The Purchases window appears, displaying the purchase.
Click Record. A new purchase is created and the original order is removed.
To simultaneously convert several orders to purchases
Click To Do List from any command centre. The To Do List window appears.
Click the Orders tab to display a list of all your orders.
Click Record as Actual.
Click OK.

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